2022 Yamaha Marine V6 4.2L 300 hp
Meet Yamaha V6 4.2-liter outboards, which have won numerous awards. Their intelligent design, which combines power, efficiency, speed, and lightweight, absolutely sets the standard for offshore performance. You can now add versatility to that list. You can increase your power without having to restart your rigging with all V6 4.2L models – F300, F250, and F225 – available in both mechanical and digital control. Seventeen percent more fuel efficient at cruise RPM, up to 73 pounds lighter than some competitors, and over ten years of Yamaha dependability.
The 4.2-liter F300 is the undisputed king of our V6s. It’s up to 73 pounds lighter than some competitors, weighing only 562 pounds (digital) and 551 pounds (mechanical). Furthermore, it is up to 19% faster at cruise RPM. It’s simple to see why it’s the best option for offshore performance.
Yamaha Marine V6 4.2L 300 hp FEATURES
Year…… 2022
Create…. Yamaha Marine
V6 4.2L 300 horsepower
Type of Vehicle…. Outboard